Video analysis

Hands-on analysis

Price: 90 Euro

Evaluation of the horse in stance and in motion (video recording with subsequent analysis. Duration of the discussion approx. 1.5 hours).

During the video analysis, all relevant aspects are included in the assessment. In the presence of the owner, who explains the horse's problems, the general condition in stance is first examined. Then the horse is worked briefly on the lunge. This observation in motion is recorded with the video camera and later analyzed in slow motion together with the horse owner.

In a personal conversation, the images are explained in relation to the horse's movement problems and the possibilities of targeted training are discussed.

A video analysis can be done at the ARR Center or during a clinic (different prices). To enroll your horse for a hands-on analysis, please send us an e-mail.

Remote diagnosis

Price: 70 Euro

Assessment of your horse and support by phone.

Send us a video tape on a memory stick or by download link or via WhatsApp in order to get expert analysis of your horse's movements. To enroll your horse for a remote diagnosis, please send us an e-mail in order to get instructions on how to videotape your horse.